Well, as it seems, you want to find the simplest and cleanest guide to beating Dungeon Defender on medium to get all your badges in one go? Look no further then for you have found it.
First off, I apologize if the quality of the screen shots are bad but it had to be done so because there was absolutely no chance to get a picture of the final round without monsters or defenders onscreen.
Pause the game immediately after you click the "End" button on the little helper boxes. (if none are present, such as later levels then just pause the game immediately after starting the level)
Melee units ranges must be at max, only exception is on level 9.
THE FIRST LEVEL "Piece of Cake"
This level is quite simple to beat, no fancy things need to be done.
First, look into your first alcove with the Goblin and the Centaur. Place a Goblin and a Centaur in the same pattern on the other side of the Cove. Extend the Goblin's Partrol Range to max.
Then make a dig path extending from your base to create the 3X7 rectangle bunker as shown in the screenshot at the end of this section to hold your Centaurs in.
Start the game at full speed and place your Death Knight in between the two Centaurs within the Cove. Let your Peons finish digging to the front row. Build Centaurs starting in the front row of the bunker and then once that is filled up, move backwards and fill the second row as soon as you get the money for them. (build a Centaur every 15 gold you earn, do not save the gold up)
This is what it should look like in the endgame.
Once the level finishes and you are taken to the bonuses screen, choose Faster Reload for your Centaurs.
LEVEL TWO "No More Freebies"
Well, you made your first step into Dungeon Defender and executed it beautifully. Time to keep it up. (always pause the game immediately as the level starts)
First, go to your first Cove on the top of the screen. Put two Goblins there and extend their range to max.
then, make a dig path from your base to create yet another bunker this time, 4X11 (once again, as shown by the screenshot at the end of this section)
Unpause and start the game, move your Death Knight near the goblins in the Cove and assist them in battle. Once your Peons breaks through to the front row of the bunker, start placing Centaurs in the front row, extending around the corner as well. Put two Centaurs near your base for added defense against the flying monsters. The Goblin and the Minotaur near the base is for safety in case your avatar dies prematurely.
Keep filling up the bunker with Centaurs until you have two rows of them lined up like two upside-down L's stacked together like in the screenshot.
This is what end game should look like.
When you are taken to the bonus screen, pick "More Arrows" for your Centaurs
LEVEL THREE "Here Be Treasure"
Ooh, who doesn't love treasure? Once you finish this level, you can pat yourself on the back and say you've finished the first third of the game.
On this one, you will have to do a bit of multi-tasking. Pause the game, lay out your dig path for the 3X5 Centaur bunker right behind the spawn points for the heroes. (how fun, we get to put arrows in their backs as soon as they enter) Here's the tricky part, even though you may want to dig up those veins to make the bunker 4X5, it will actually cause things to go from ok to terrible because they will go right through the bunker to your base and kill all the Centaurs in their way. So, you can choose to dig in two more walls around the veins to put two extra Tracks in.
Also, dig in four walls, one in front of the two separate Coves for the Minotaurs. Finally dig a path to connect the main path to the Treasure chamber guarded by the Lich so your Peon can come along and dig the door away.
Place your Minotaurs in the little Coves, make sure the number of Minotaur lairs are even for both Coves and extend their ranges to max.
Now, unpause and move your Death Knight and give that Lich a good "One-Two" and order your Peon to dig out the door. As the Centaur bunker starts to develop, put six Centaurs so they make a 3x3 square with the veins. Don't nelect your Minotaurs either, when new holes in their coves opens up, place Minotaurs there and extend their range to max. Grab the treasure as soon as the door opens.
Once that is all done with, start placing Tracks around the Centaurs so they gain an incredible boost in damage allowing to kill some units outright from the spawn point. Move your Death knight between the two Minotaur coves and assist them in battle.
This is what endgame should look like.
On the bonuses screen, choose "Animal Hubsandry" for your Centaurs (my god, that sounds so wrong)
LEVEL FOUR "The Prison" - Jail Break Badge Warning
Now, we have to do a task of great magnitude, break out of Altacraz... It has been done before, and is still possible.
First off, take delight in the fact that you don't have to dig anything this time. Just place two Minotaurs in front of the entry way (note, not IN the entry way but in front of it like a thumb in front of the gardening hose) and place 2 centaurs on the first and third column each. Extend the Minotaur's range to max.
Start the game and assist the Minotaurs in battle with your Death Knight. As soon as you get the cash, place a third Minotaur in front of the second column in between the other two Minotaurs. then place two Centaurs, one three squares from the Minotaur Creep lair and the other three squares from the other Minotaur Creep. Extend Minotaurs Range to max, always.
Alternate between placement of two Centaurs a row above the previous Centaurs and three Minotaurs a row below the three original Minotaurs. Once the Minotaur lairs becomes a 3x3 square, place two more centaurs next to the corners of the lairs to make it a nice rectangle. After that is all done with, save up to put Elementals inside the entryway in front of the Minotaurs.
this is what endgame should look like
(note: this level looked so much like a guitar, Jail House Rock anyone?)
On the bonus screen, choose "Where's The Beef?" for your Minotaurs
LEVEL 5 "Marathon"
Oh lord, one of the levels people gripe about the most, level six is worse though.
this is actually rather simple, pause and make a dig path for the biggest Centaur bunker you've digged so far, 2x17. Build five Minotaur lairs up against the wall on the right side like a Q.
Start the game and assist the Minotaurs in battle. When you get the cash, add Minotaur lairs so they become a 3x3 square. Once that's done, start filling the Centaur bunker up, start one square below the Minotaur lair so your Centaurs are assisting in battle as well and then fill it up downwards. once the bunker is filled up, start adding Elementals in front of the Minotaurs. Keep adding them until the level is over.
This is what endgame should look like (sorry, somehow I couldn't take a screenie without the elementals covering their own lairs)
On the bonuses screen, select "Running of the Bulls"
LEVEL SIX "Traitors"
So it seems that in your rise to glory, you ticked off a local lord, we shall have to do something about that won't we? People really griped about this level, but it's amazingly easy once you grasp the concept of the wall's purpose.
First thing, make a dig path to clear out the spaces above and below you to make room for future units and gain gold at the same time. (screenshot should be self-explanatory about where the space starts and ends)
start filling from the second long row with Centaurs in a way that they can shoot the units within a few steps out of the spawn points (basically, start on the fifth corner from the spawn points following the turns of the road) and fill that row up with Centaurs only. Make sure you put the same number of Centaurs on both sides. once you've reached the end of the road, start adding Minotaurs around the fourth corner. (about 5 on each side)
After that, make a small 3x3 gem out of Manticores around your base (like in screenie) start adding Elementals in front of the Minotaurs until the level is over
This is what endgame should look like
On the bonuses screen, select "Razor Sharp" (note: this is one of the most effective upgrades in my future strategies because you have the ability to build Elementals from the start by level 7-
New buildings? NICE
First off, lay down a dig path to clear a 9x10 square around your base and put Minotaur lairs right next to your home base so they surround it. (the area won't be completely finished for about 30 second so just fill in the roads that is open) Once the dig is done in the immediate area of your base, make the minotaurs into a 3x3 square counting your base as the middle square. then put a few more to make it a 5x3 rectangle around your base.
Then put Centaurs on the lower right corner of the 5x3 and continue to put them down around the 5x3 until you get to the lower left and the upper right corners. Put one more on both sides so they are diagonal to the corners but still on the L shaped line. (confused? look at the screenie to see what i mean)
Once those are in place, complete that line with Elementals so your base is within a 7x6 rectangle of defense. Start from where the Centaurs ended on the corners and add Manticores so the base becomes 8x7.
Phew, a lot of rectangular work done already, but there is more to come. Add Elementals from the corners where the Manticores ended to make the base 9x8 (the screenie doesn't show an Elemental lair on the upper right corner because it accidentally got destroyed) Once that's done, add three Lich lairs following the rectangle outwards starting from the blacksmith building.
Sit back and watch the destruction.
This is what endgame looks like
On the Bonuses screen, choose "Stronger, Better, Faster"
LEVEL EIGHT "Prelude to Victory"
Well doesn't that sound nice? You're almost there to the last badge.
(once again, my apologies, this one is really messy because the defenders wouldn't attack the monsters out far enough to get a clean screenshot)
In this one, the strategy is simple, overwhelm.
Lay down a dig path to clear out a 9x9 square. 5 squares below your base and 3 squares above your base, 4 squares on the left and right side of your base. Also, hollow out a 5x7 rectangle above the 9x8 rectangle to collect their ores and for the future location of Liches. WARNING: do not break through the walls that forms a path from one of the spawn points to make a perfect 9x8 rectangle, the rectangle idea is to give you a general idea of what it should look like. Move your Death Knight to the lower path to help support them and suppress some of the oncoming fire.
Build some Elementals to make a 3x3 square around your base. Then Centaurs to make it 5x5 and then some more Elementals to make it 7x7 (once again, do not make it a complete 7x7, you don't want any of the monsters to run amok through your lairs)
Put down ten Liches, five on each side of the smaller rectangle, they'll act as suppressants and weakening forces. put 3 Academies behind the middle 3 Liches on each side. From there, spam Hydra lairs around your 9x9 square to help fight off the hoardes.
This is what end game should look like
On the bonuses screen, select "Strongerer, Betterer, Fasterer"
LEVEL NINE "Take the Town" - City Sackers Badge Warning
It's time to prove to those dasterly humans that Underworlders can be supreme.
This map is amazingly simple too, heck, with this strategy, none of the units from all 40 waves made it past 10 squares from the spawn point.
First, clear out the window like area on the top of the screen where the two spawn points drain together into. that'll give you a 9x5 rectangle to work your magic with. Put Minotaur lairs evenly along the left and right side of the 9x7 rectangle in between the houses. WARNING: Make sure the Minotaur's partrol range doesn't directly touch the spawn points or the Minotaurs will be destroyed when they go and attack out that far
Start the game and allow your Peons to dig out the window area before assigning them to hollow out the area around your base for Centaurs. Put Minotaurs straight down the line until you have 7 on the left and right side of the 9x7 rectangle. Surround your base with a 3x3 square of Centaurs. (add a new column of Centaurs every time flying monsters comes your way)
Start adding an even number of Elementals one column behind the Minotaurs (same warning applies for Elementals, don't extend their range into the spawn points) After the Elementals are added, start adding an even number of Hydras on both sides. Add Gyms on both sides for the Hydras. and Finally add Manticores in the center column.
At this point, your Centaur bunker should be filled up. start digging underneath the columns starting from the Minotaurs and ending with the other Minotaur, make sure a empty path leads along the side of the right side so the enemy doesn't start walking through the lairs. In the newly dug areas, repeat the same pattern as the column above.
Enjoy watching the champions get chomped to pieces by your defensive troops.
this is what it should look like
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just beaten Dungeon Defender Medium mode and won 50 points in badges.